Tuesday 13 November 2012

Carnival Fever!

Father and daughter carnival faces!
And as the cold snap of Autumn begins to arrive on a daily basis here, there's something quite magical about the evenings. I just love walking home from my school bus stop and seeing the lights of the houses burning through the dusky air, especially if it's been a cold, sunny day. Especially when it's been one of those days where there's a frost on the ground, not a cloud in the sky, you're wearing your cosiest scarf and just starting to think about doing a bit of Christmas baking. This is my favourite time of year!
Yesterday was certainly no exception and even though it poured with rain for the majority of the day, I still couldn't wait to get home, get comfy and HEAD OUT TO CARNIVAL!
Now, if you're not from the West Country, I'll explain, as to this day I am amazed to see the bemused faces of new people I meet as I try to describe what carnival is to them.
What's carnival? WHAT'S CARNIVAL?
Where I come from, it's one of the biggest community 'get-togethers' of the year. Always on a Monday evening in early November, hundreds of people (and I mean HUNDREDS) families, babies, cousins you name it, all turn out to watch tens of beautiful floats parade through the town, with millions of golden light bulbs twinkling at you in the darkness. It's truly magnificent, watching the walkers wave at you from the road, wearing elaborate handmade costumes adorned with lights and moving parts!
For the past couple of years I've taken part in it myself, as a group of us from my dance school annually parade with a choreographed piece, which is incredible! I just loved feeling like part of something and everyone volunteers, which is even better! I know it's cliché, but 'giving back to the community' is totally the phrase that sums it all up! :)
But this year, I decided to take a break. A levels are getting heavy pretty quickly and rehearsals were coming too thick and too fast. So, this year, I took a back seat and watched it with my Mum, Dad, Nana and Granfy, just like I always used to... It was the perfect family evening. Complete with a cosy scarf.

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